Natural variation of canine parvovirus

a small brown dog standing on top of a wooden floor

C R Parrish, P H O’Connell, J F Evermann, L E Carmichael Abstract Canine parvovirus was first recognized during 1978. Analysis of isolates collected since its emergence revealed that viruses circulating after 1980 were antigenically different from earlier isolates. Monoclonal antibodies clearly distinguished the two strains, some being specific for either the old or the new viruses. Restriction […]

Renal Abnormalities Caused by Canine Distemper Virus Infection in Terminal Patients

a person holding a dog in their arms

The aim of this study was to analyze the glomerular and tubular alterations in dogs with terminal distemper through light microscopy, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy. Thirteen animals with a molecular diagnosis of distemper and neurological signs were selected. As a control group, 10 clinically healthy animals with no manifestations or signs of disease and with […]

1 de 3 – Mecanismos inmunopatógenos y neurológicos del virus del moquillo canino.

Primera parte:Otávio Valério Carvalho , 1 , 2 Clarisse Vieira Botelho , 2 Caroline Gracielle Torres Ferreira , 2 Paulo Oldemar Scherer , 1 Jamária Adriana Pinheiro Soares-Martins , 3 Márcia Rogéria Almeida , 2 y Abelardo Silva Júnior 2 , *Información del autor Notas del artículo Información de derechos de autor y licencia Descargo […]

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